
Thursday, May 31, 2012


  • So far, you have prepped to write a poem using sentence frames from "Immortality," written a letter to yourself in the future, and written using sentence frames like "I am ____." I put comments about what would be interesting things to write about further. If you feel like you don't have something to write about from those prompts or any other idea, let me know.
  • If there is something you want to write about, but don't want the whole class to hear about, let me know and we can figure something out. You will still need to present in some way, but I don't want you to not write about something just because you don't want the class to hear about the subject matter.
  • Use the prompts you've already written on to work on your first draft. By the end of today, for 5 points, you need to give me a piece of paper with these three things:
    • Your topic/concept/theme.
    • A key line/sentence you have written so far that you are proud of.
    • Possible title for your poem.

Tomorrow/Friday: Rough Draft is due typed at the beginning of class (printed or in GoogleDocs). The more you have written, the more helpful the editing process will be for you, but to get credit, you need to have the start of a poem. You will receive 10 points for bringing work to class typed and completing the editing assignment for the day.

Monday: We will continue to edit and practice performing.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: Presentations as final exam. Turn in a typed copy of your poem with literary devices annotated on Tuesday and presenting order will be picked at random. Rubric

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